Horace: Today we have the dubious privilege of interviewing one of this year’s frontrunners in Fashion in the Field, Jester. Jester, could you describe to our online readership your retro 1980s look?
Jester: Well Horace, clearly OHS is a big part of working on site but you shouldn’t let it cramp your style. Take, for instance, my designer safety goggles…
H: Yes, Jester, I’m sure we’re all dying to learn where you acquired those jewels.
J: In a moment of light-fingered fantastic at a rave, I spotted someone sporting these beasties, and I decided I simply must have them. Fashion is a cut-throat industry, you know.
H: You mean…?
J: Next question.
H: We noticed the length of your shorts artfully highlighted the radiance of your orange socks. Could you enlighten us as to the decision making behind this?
J: OHS tends to focus on the body core, but I’ve always had an uncommon attraction to my feet. Socks have been relegated for too long to the dustbin of archaeology. My vision is to enlighten the archaeological world of the endless possibilities that socks can offer. In fact, my pet project is a new line, made exclusively from my own facial hair, guaranteed resistant to the hot Australian sun, and… with complimentary steelcaps.
H: I’m sure you all benefited from that exclusive excerpt from none other than the Jester. Looking forward to next week – the Ponce who would be Mexican, and Seven Super Secrets guaranteed to help you find the archaeologist within.
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